Aretha Franklin’s Wills Dispute – Rickard & Associates
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Aretha Franklin’s Wills Dispute – Rickard & Associates

If you have been following the news, you may have seen that there is a dispute regarding Aretha Franklin’s estate plan. Her sons are in court fighting over her estate and multiple wills.

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Aretha Franklin died in 2018, and because she did not have a trust, she wills went through probate court where they are being disputed by her sons.

A Will from 2014 and two Wills from 2010 were

What is an Irrevocable Trust?
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What is an Irrevocable Trust?

A trust is an estate planning tool that allows a person to control their assets during their lifetime and make provisions for incapacity and death. Many trusts are revocable, however, irrevocable trusts can be an incredibly useful way to plan for your future.

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One thing you should know about irrevocable trusts is that, unlike revocable or living trusts, irrevocable trusts cannot be changed or amended. They are set in

Estate Planning: 5 Things to Consider
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Estate Planning: 5 Things to Consider

If you are preparing to draft your estate plan with your estate planning attorney, there are a variety of issues that you will need to think about before your documents can be finalized.

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Prior to drafting your estate plan, we recommend that you give some thought to the following items:

  1. How do you want your money and assets handled if you die? Do you want any restrictions? If you are
How Do I Update My Compliance Risk Assessment?
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How Do I Update My Compliance Risk Assessment?

Compliance Risk Assessments are critically important in healthcare practices. When used correctly, they can save entities from fines, problems and consequences.

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While almost everyone is familiar with a HIPAA Risk Assessment, many practices have not completed a full Compliance Risk Assessment.

A Compliance Risk Assessment is a process for healthcare entities to determine what risks exist, evaluate potential risks and focus resources to address the most significant risks.

Compliance Risk

Nonprofit professionals launch hands-on consultancy > Charleston Business Journal
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Nonprofit professionals launch hands-on consultancy > Charleston Business Journal

Calloway Stern Group was co-founded by Katy Calloway and Daniel Stern.  (Photo/Provided)For many non-profit organizations, emerging from the pandemic means recovering from a time when their situation looked dire by reassessing resources and considering the next steps.

Calloway Stern Group has launched a consulting company to assist in this process. The nonprofit project management firm based in Charleston serves small- to medium-sized nonprofits in expanding capacity through a hands-on approach.

While consultants typically play an advisory role, Calloway Stern Group hopes to act as sort of a temporary staff member. Rather than having to hire new employees, which could incur higher expenses when salaries and benefits are factored in, the group

What You Need to Know About Licensing and Credentialing
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What You Need to Know About Licensing and Credentialing

Many of our clients have had questions or issues regarding their license or credentialing. New physicians and physicians who have been practicing for years can all encounter issues with their medical licenses. We help our clients work to get the answers and results they need.

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Depending on the issues that you may be having, there are different approaches to take in dealing with the Bureau of Professional Licensing and the

Can Your Practice Afford a Data Breach?
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Can Your Practice Afford a Data Breach?

Probably not.

A recent study found that the total average cost of a healthcare breach is $10.10 million.

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Can your healthcare practice afford a breach? Most healthcare entities cannot.

Since 2020, healthcare breach costs have risen by 42%.

As we know healthcare breaches are incessant, it is important to understand trends.

The trends that have emerged over the past few years are:

  1. Repeat attacks. Many healthcare entities have
Physician Contracting 101 – Rickard & Associates
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Physician Contracting 101 – Rickard & Associates

Physician contracts are often complicated and have unique terms. We help our clients understand the terms and negotiate their contracts.

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Many of our clients are physicians who are negotiating or renegotiating their employment contracts with their employers. Sometimes these are with health systems, hospitals, or small physician offices.

We also have clients come to us with issues after they negotiated their own contracts.

Physician contracts are unique, as they have