J. McCann & Co.  Ltd – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog
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J. McCann & Co. Ltd – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

To win a RoSPA Health and Safety Award is by no means an easy feat. Last year alone, we received close to 2,000 entries from across the globe. To achieve one gold achievement McCann Masters 2018award is a fantastic accolade for your organization… however, to continue that winning streak year after year is outstanding. In 2019, Nottingham based civil and electrical engineering firm J. McCann & Co. Ltd. did just that and achieved their fourth RoSPA Gold Achievement Award (and they couldn’t be more delighted).McCann info

An Achievement Award truly is the accolade that safety professionals across all industries aspire to. In our

Make your health and safety top priority in 2020 – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog
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Make your health and safety top priority in 2020 – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Warren Buffett, who was recently named as the fourth wealthiest individual in the world, once said:

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

This is good advice that can be applied to many aspects of life, but it’s especially true when it comes to health and safety.

When an accident occurs there are of course measurable outlays: damage to equipment, loss of revenue and sick days caused by injuries. There are also intangible costs such as damage to reputation and/or loss of trust

Here to help!  – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog
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Here to help! – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Following on from our previous blog, We’re with you every step of the way!, the appetite to help and engage with RoSPA Awards Entrants extends to the whole RoSPA Health & Safety Awards team.

We caught up with two more members of the RoSPA team, Julia Small and Letty Hill, to find out how they are ready and willing to lend a helping hand…

Julia Small
Executive Head of Qualifications, Awards and Events

For over 15 years, Julia has had oversight of RoSPA’s robust award procedures, including the secure online entry system used by nearly 2,000 entrants, judging and verification

mental health and wellbeing in the workplace – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog
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mental health and wellbeing in the workplace – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

More than ever before, mental health is a topic for open discussion in the media, within our social circles and of course at work. Mental health and wellbeing is all about how we think, feel and behave, and is usually caused by a reaction to a difficult life event, which can be caused or made worse by work-related issues. In particular, working in isolation away from managers and colleagues can add stress to a workforce that is already facing a significant amount of pressure.

The scale of the problem

Globally, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression, one of

Should You Eat With Your Hands and Eschew Cutlery?
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Should You Eat With Your Hands and Eschew Cutlery?

November 22, 2022 · 7:30 AM

“Me Grok”

DailyMail has an interesting article that promotes eating with your hands instead of forks, knives and spoons. After all, caveman Grok didn’t have eating utensils.

Those who are a stickler for etiquette should look away now.

That’s because we’ve all been eating the wrong way and should be eating with our hands, according to a psychologist.

Professor Charles Spence, from the University of Oxford, said giving up cutlery is the secret to enjoying food.

He says eating with our hands can ‘heighten the dining experience’ – even for meals like pasta and