Sick of Winter?  Try Saunas
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Sick of Winter? Try Saunas

Winter can be long and dark. Sometimes you need something to help lift your mood during long dark days. Many of you know I am in love with my new sauna blanket and it helps get through winter in many ways!

1. It is great for your skin!

I always notice my skin gets so dry in the cold Wisconsin winters! My feet are dry, my face is dry, my lips are dry, my hair needs extra conditioner. Winter dries up our bodies and leaves our skin dry and vulnerable because of the unstable humidity in the air.

If you

Best 10 Inch Tablet for Your Small Business in 2022
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Best 10 Inch Tablet for Your Small Business in 2022

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Tablets are a happy medium between a desktop and a laptop. But increasingly, tablets have so much capability you might be wondering if you could do without PCs altogether. And the answer really depends on what you do as a small business.

The good news is that a tablet can be a great portable solution for business. You can edit images, run your spreadsheets, capture videos, do note-taking, and a lot more with the right tablet.

The key is figuring out exactly what

Striving to be a Superhero Physical Education Teacher – PHE America
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Striving to be a Superhero Physical Education Teacher – PHE America

What would the perfect physical education teacher do? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Who do you picture when you think of the perfect teacher? Maybe like me, you picture someone made up of a combination of all the great teachers you’ve ever met, all wrapped up into one incredible superhero package?

Superhero cape

Years ago, I fleetingly believed I was on top of the teaching game, perhaps even on my way toward superhero status, until I humbly learned the benchmark I was measuring myself against was outdated and missing major components. My students liked me and they loved physical education,